Assignment 2.1 | Sociology homework help


In this second assignment, you are to synthesize your findings from Assignment #1 with the information you will be collecting in Assignment #2 to further expand on your desired career sport industry segment, organization or business. A bulk of your information will be derived from the book; however, you are also expected to incorporate information from outside resources to address the below questions. Important in the grading of this assignment is not only the completeness of your information, but also how well it was integrated with information from Assignment #1.

The assignment should be double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. You will be submitting it through Turnitin via Canvas, so only your name needs to be included at the top of the first page. All citations and references must be written in accordance with the APA format. As with any assignment, if you directly quote or paraphrase any sources, you MUST cite your sources. Failure to do so will constitute plagiarism and result in either a deduction of points or a failing grade for this assignment, to be decided at the discretion of the instructor. I encourage you to visit the writing center to ensure that you do quote correctly according to APA style and to also receive help in writing your paper to ensure that it is grammatically correct, cohesive and coherent.

Select three (3) of the five content areas below and answer them in  300 – 800 words each

  1. Describe how the management principles in the book (Ch 2) apply to your chosen sport industry segment, organization or business.
  2. Describe how the marketing principles in the book (Ch 3) apply to your chosen sport industry segment, organization or business.
  3. Describe how the financial principles in in the book (Ch 4) apply to your chosen sport industry segment, organization or business.