M3 assignment 1: spss ancova analysis

This assignment allows you to perform a factorial analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using SPSS. You will have an opportunity to explore the robustness of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) as a tool for performing this analysis and to appreciate both the process and the outcomes of this statistical analysis. This exercise serves as a prelude to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)/covariance (MANCOVA).

Open the SPSS data file (.sav) you created from Database A for assignments.xls in M2: Assignment 1. Then, conduct an ANCOVA by completing the following tasks:

  1. Considering what might be a possible research question and hypotheses for outcomes from the variables in the data set provided, select/create appropriate categorical variables to serve as follows:
    • Two independent variables (IVs)
    • One continuous dependent variable (DV)
    • One continuous covariate (CV) for a factorial ANCOVA

      The IVs may include manipulation and/or subject/group variables.

      Hint: Your selection of a covariate should depend on either a theoretical or observed significant correlation between the DV and the CV.

  2. Prescreen data and report results of prescreens (and any necessary transformations or other decisions) for the following:
    • Missing data
    • Outlier
    • Normality
    • Homogeneity of variances
    • Homogeneity of regression slopes
    • Factor interaction
    • Create BOX-WHISKER plots to visually examine assumptions for comparing groups.
  3. Conduct a two-way ANCOVA with post hoc tests if it is suggested by outcome of the main statistical analysis.

Save the SPSS file as R7034_M3_A1_LastName_FirstInitial.sav.

Write a two- to three-page response paper in Microsoft Word document format which provides the following information:

  • What are the two IVs you selected? Do your IVs represent a fixed, random, or mixed effects model? What are the one DV and one CV you selected? How did you determine the CV?
  • State a research question that could be studied using the selected variables and your hypotheses for main effects and/or interaction.
  • Describe the results of your data screening.
  • Present the results of the ANCOVA summary table, as well as the adjusted and unadjusted group means.
  • Write a statement summarizing results in relation to the research question and the hypotheses.

Name the file M3_A1_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.