Mn 552 unit 4 -discussion 1


Unit 4: Unit 4: Cranial Nerves, Thyroid, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics – Discussion 

To access the Discussion Board, click this unit’s Discussion link, on the left. Be sure to post a response to all Discussion topics. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading rubric under Course Home in the Grading Rubrics section. This is important information that will ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion. Please see the Kaplan Writing Center located in the student portal for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication. 


Topic 1: Case Study 

Case studies help with application of critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning skills in clinical scenarios. Please select a CASE STUDY to address components in the database table. Submit the completed database as a reply to this board.

Unit 4 Discussion 1

Critical Thinking and Diagnostic Reasoning

Please select one of the following case studies and complete the chart. Please review audio-videos, PowerPoint presentations, and assigned chapters to assist with this Assignment. You are expected to role play the selected scenario with a family member to gather necessary data to complete the chart.For each person described in the following situations, discuss the developmental/age, socioeconomic, ethical considerations, and cross-cultural considerations that should be considered during the gathering of subjective and objective data, and the provision of health care. Discuss any additional information that might be needed before a judgment or diagnosis can be made.Submit the completed chart to the Discussion Board by Friday at 11:59 p.m. 

1. A. E. is a 35-year-old African American female, and is 5 months pregnant presenting to the office today for a routine prenatal visit. She complains that her neck feels swollen and that she has been feeling nervous and tired. She also complains about the heat, excessive sweating, and how she “can’t seem to get cool during these summer months.” She attributes all these complaints to her pregnancy.

2. J. L. is a 55-year-old Caucasian female who had a CVA within the past week. J. L. is easily frustrated, anxious, fearful, and her speech is slurred. She needs verbal cuing for any task she is asked to carry out. She eats only food on the left side of the tray and responds only when approached from the left side.


Components of 



Diagnostic   Reasoning 

(list key   questions — use PQRSTU pneumonic)



abnormal   findings

(must   note pertinent body systems to be examined)



(list 3)

Nurses   diagnosis (list 1)

List   relevant labs and

diagnostic   studies (if any)
















Abnormal Findings

Nurses Diagnosis







Developmental/age considerations:

Socioeconomic considerations:

Cross-cultural considerations:

Ethical considerations:

Additional info needed to formulate actual diagnosis: