Information risk management | Science homework help


Queation1: Organize the qualitative risk assessment data according to the following: 

 Review the executive summary from the Performing a Qualitative Risk Assessment for an IT Infrastructure lab in this lab manual. 

 Organize all of the critical “1” risks, threats, and vulnerabilities identified throughout the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure.

Question 02:Describe the purpose of prioritizing the risks prior to creating a risk-mitigation plan.

Question 03Describe the elements of an IT risk-mitigation plan outline by covering the following major topics: 

 Executive summary 

 Prioritization of identified risks, threats, and vulnerabilities organized into the seven domains

 Critical “1” risks, threats, and vulnerabilities identified throughout the IT infrastructure 

 Short-term remediation steps for critical “1” risks, threats, and vulnerabilities 

 Long-term remediation steps for major “2” and minor “3” risks, threats, and vulnerabilities 

 Ongoing IT risk-mitigation steps for the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure

 Cost magnitude estimates for work effort and security solutions 

 Implementation plans for remediation


Question 04Create a detailed IT risk-mitigation plan outline by inserting appropriate subtopics and sub-bullets.