3 pages paper: social responsibilityininternational trade

 Assume  the  following hypotheticalscenario: Topnotch  Protection  Corporation  is  an  American  company that  manufactures  cost-effective  protective  covers  for  smartphones  made  out  of  innovative  composite material,  which  currently  are  being manufactured  and sold  only  in  the  United  States.Topnotch  has received  interest  for  its  innovative  protective  covers  from various countries  in  Africa,  Asia, Central America, Europe,   and   South   America.   Topnotch   management   is   considering   selling   as   well   as manufacturing its innovative protective covers overseasin those countries to meet international consumer interest.  

Select  a  specific  country  from  the  above-mentioned  regions. Discuss this  developing  international  trade scenario from  a  social  responsibility  perspective  by  analyzing  and explaining the company’s potential international  trade with  your  specific  country in  accordance  with  the fourcore  objectives  listed  above.Emphasizethe followingin your discussion of the above fourcore objectives(you must address allof the following points in your short paper):