Summary response essay engish 1301 | English 1301 | Richland College

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Then read the article”Facebook’s Push towards facial recognition tool”  and summarize it in MLA format. Remember to include surname as the header and page number. In-text citation required. Work citation required.The summary should not be more than one page it should be short. 2 paragraph is good. 1 is summary paragraph and another is response paragraph.

I have provided you with the sample summary essay and the guidance for writing essay.

A Summary is a restatement of the original text given to you.

  • Begin your summary with a topic sentence which includes the name of the author of the text, the title of the text, and the main idea of the text. Example: Jane Smith in the article “The Benefits of Exercising in Morning” shares various benefits of early morning exercises.
  • Follow the paragraph structure
  • Only include the main points of the article
  • Do not include specific examples, dates, or numbers.
  • Do not give personal opinions
  • Use third person pronouns only. No “I”, “We”, “You” etc.
  • Use signal words to restate the ideas.

Use the three points I used in outline essay which is in the attached file. The summary should be short and sweet.

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