Eng1200 | English homework help

Part 1:


By the due date assigned, submit your revised Rhetorical Analysis Essay in the Submissions Area.

Revise the rough draft you posted in the W1 Assignment 3, based on feedback you received from your instructor and peers.

Proofread your work carefully, ensuring that your in-text citations and references page entries conform to APA style and that your headers and cover page, as well as the rest of your document, are formatted correctly. Use the APA Citation Helper or the APA Citations Quick Sheet to help with your in-text citations and references.

Part 2:


By the due date assigned, submit your revised Annotated Bibliography.

Revise your annotated bibliography based on the feedback you have received from your instructor and your peers. Proofread your work carefully, ensuring that your in-text citations and reference entries conform to APA style. Use this APA Citation Helper for guidance.

Part 3:

By the due date assigned, submit the rough draft of your final research essay to the Discussion Area. By the end of the week, comment on at least two of your classmates’ essays, using the Peer Response Guidelines below.


Following the informal outline you developed posted in our discussion this week, compose your rough draft. You may choose to use the APA formatted template to start your draft.

Your rough draft should be at least 1,200 words and include an introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, a memorable conclusion, and a references page. Be sure to include a cover page and format your headers correctly.

Use of the APA Citation Helper as a guide for properly citing resources.

Peer Response Guidelines:
Respond to two peers’ drafts using the following questions:

  1. What appears to be the main point (thesis) of the rough draft?
  2. In your opinion, which supporting example or fact was the most effective? Why?
  3. Are there any changes that need to be made to the APA citations or overall formatting? Please help the author identify needed corrections before submitting the final draft. 

Part 4:


By the due date assigned, review your final draft carefully, making sure that you have edited and formatted it carefully. Once you are satisfied with it, submit it.

Remember to review the following items before submitting your work.

  • Include on the title page the title of your essay, your name, the class, your instructor’s name, and the date
  • Include appropriate headers, spacing, and font, according to APA guidelines.
  • Repeat the title on the top line of the second page.
  • Be sure that your essay is at least 1,200 words in length.
  • Include a clear thesis statement in your introduction, and support it with quotes, examples, and facts from at least three credible sources.
  • Include a separate references page. Encyclopedia articles (such as those from Wikipedia or Ask.com) are not acceptable sources.
  • Double-check that each in-text citation includes the author’s name, the year of publication, and the page or paragraph number.
  • Check your references page using the APA Citation Helper to assist you.

Note: An abstract is not required, but it may be included if desired by the student

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