What i see in lincoln’s eyes

In 200 words or less, summarize “What I See in Lincoln’s Eyes.” Your purpose here is two-fold:

Explain Obama’s thesis, and explain the organizational and literary techniques used to make his
point. You must include all of the following:

  • Obama’s thesis: What is the writer saying in this essay?
  • Discuss Obama’s description of the painting of Lincoln. Why does he focus on the image?
  • Discuss what comparisons and contrasts Obama makes between himself and Lincoln.

You should not include your opinion or reaction to this essay in your Application. Instead, strive to answer the question: What does Obama say in this essay, and how does he make his point?



1.      Get information from the internet.

2.      Ensure the summary is between 150 and 200 words.

3.      Follow all instructions.


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