Part 1 assume that you are interested in the relationship between

Part 1

Assume that you are interested in the relationship between Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) scores (the total of all subtests) and graduate school grade point averages (GPAs) at the end of their graduate programs. Conveniently, you have access to the GRE scores and GPAs of a large number of graduate students who have graduated from the electrical engineering master’s program in an Ivy League university between 2000 and 2013. The Pearson correlation coefficient did not reach significance. What can you conclude from the data analysis? Can the result be generalized to all graduate students in electrical engineering master’s programs across the United States? Why or why not?

Part 2

A researcher asks the question “Is there a relationship between GRE total scores and GPAs in the master’s programs in electrical engineering?” The researcher’s null hypothesis states, “There is no correlation between GRE total score and GPA from an electrical engineering master’s program.” The researcher’s alternative hypothesis states, “There is a positive correlation between GRE total scores and GPA from an electrical engineering master’s program.”

Are these valid hypotheses for the research question? Why or why not? What other observations can you make regarding the hypotheses and research question?



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