Discussion airspace | Law homework help

 Post your response to ONE of the following: APA style, references, one page 

Scenario 1

The Department of Defense (DOD) wishes to dedicate a large block of airspace over North Dakota to the exclusive use of military unmanned aircraft systems.

  • Can the DOD simply declare that airspace off limits to civil aircraft?
  • If not, how must the DOD proceed if it wishes to accomplish that objective?
  • Will interested persons and organizations, such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, have an opportunity to express their opinions about the proposed change? If so, how?

Scenario 2

For a nation or union of nations other than the U.S.:

  • Identify the government authority or authorities responsible for regulating the national airspace and controlling air traffic.
  • Compare and contrast the categories of airspace with those of the U.S. described in the text.
  • Compare and contrast procedures in use for changing airspace categorizations with those of the U.S. Administrative Procedure Act.
  • If any proposed changes to your answers to the first 2 bullets above are now under consideration, describe them and evaluate the pros and cons of each
  • Provide hyperlinks to references relied on.
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