Vpsy 520 spss assignment 3 before you begin the assignment: • read


PSY 520 SPSS Assignment 3




Before you begin the assignment:




·         Read Chapter 14 in your Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics textbook.


·         Review the video tutorial for an overview of conducting repeated measures analyses in SPSS.


·         Download and open the Snake Anxiety SPSS data set.




An overview of the data set:




This data set represents hypothetical data from a study that examined the level of anxiety that people with a snake phobia felt in three different scenarios. The same people were tested in each scenario. That is, each person experienced all three conditions.




Here is some more information about the variables in this hypothetical data set:




·         Number: This is the ID number of the participant


·         See_Distance: This is participants’ anxiety (scores could range from 40 to 100, with high numbers indicating higher anxiety) when they saw a large snake that was about 20 feet away.


·         See_Close: This is participants’ anxiety (scores could range from 40 to 100, with high numbers indicating higher anxiety) when they saw a large snake that was about 5 feet away.


·         Touch: This is participants’ anxiety (scores could range from 40 to 100, with high numbers indicating higher anxiety) when they touched a large snake.


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