Discussion 1 | English homework help

Answer at least 3 of the above questions with, at minimum, a 3-5 sentence paragraph. In-depth, thoughtful, and careful responses are encouraged. Be specific where possible. Label your answers or include the text of the questions so readers know which questions you are responding to.

When it’s time to respond to your peers answers, respond to at least two peers. Your responses should also contain a few sentences per question, at the least. Respond as completely as you can. One-word or generic responses are not appropriate here. Your responses should contribute something new to the conversation.

When responding to answers for the last question (troublesome concepts), please provide your understanding of the concept or idea that your peers struggle to understand. Perhaps the way you understand it (and thus communicate it) will be helpful for them. If you, too, struggle with that concept, let your classmate know they’re not alone. It may be that in discussing the issue together, you both come to understand the concept better.

1. What do you think, currently, about the primary threshold concept for this project unit? (Good writing is dependent on writers, readers, situation, technology, and use.) What do you think it means? Have you thought about this concept before reading about it in our textbook? If so, in what terms, or in what way, have you thought about this idea?

2. Considering what you have read about rhetoric in the introduction to Chapter 4 and Doug Downs’s piece, “Rhetoric: Making Sense of Human Interaction and Meaning-Making,” do you think that it is possible to escape rhetoric? Why or why not?

3. Choose any discussion question from pages 481-482 of Writing About Writing (at the end of Downs’s piece about rhetoric), then answer that question. Include the chosen question with your response.

4. How does rhetoric fit in the life of a believer? How can a Christian use rhetoric in their walk of faith?

5. Name one concept from this lesson that you most struggle(d) to understand. What about this concept, term, or idea is troublesome? What do you currently think it means, whether you feel certain or not?

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