Case analysis 2 | Management homework help


Assignment Questions

1. What are the general economic conditions of the U.S. regional airline industry macroenvrionment? What is the relationship 

of the industry to the national and global airline industries? 

2. What does a Five Forces analysis of the industry tell you about competition in the regional airline industry? Which forces 

tend to be the strongest? The weakest? 

3.  What  factors  are  causing  change  in  the  regional  airline  industry?  What  is  the  individual  and  collective  impact  of  these 

changes on the regional airline carriers? 

4. What are the key factors that determine success for companies in the regional airline industry? 

5. What is SkyWest, Inc.’s strategy? What kind of competitive advantage is it trying to achieve? 

6. What are SkyWest’s competitively important resources and capabilities? What are its resource weaknesses and competitive 

deficiencies? Its market opportunities? Its external threats? 

7. What does an analysis of SkyWest, Inc.’s financial statements reveal about the company’s performance? 

8.  What  recommendations  would  you  make  to  the  management  of  SkyWest,  Inc.  to  strengthen  the  company’s  competitive 

position and improve its financial performance?  

This assignment is due in 2 days

Minimum 15 pages

*Use the attached file as a guide to follow while doing the Case Analysis*

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