Part 2 of 3 of behs 103 presentation project | BEHS 103 | University of Maryland University College


Part 2:  Presentation Progress Report

Your progress report should be 1-3 pages in length and include the following: 

A well-written paragraph that states in detail what your topic is. Be sure to clearly link your topic to both technology and society/societal trends.

A well-written paragraph that identifies that you will be using a narrative PowerPoint slideshow for you presentation. Your presentation should be creative, engaging, and informative. Remember that you are assuming the role of a teacher to a college class. Think about your audience and how to present material in an interesting and clear manner.

A preliminary outline that shows what will you address in your presentation. You may provide an actual outline, or describe in words the approach you will take. Use the rubric for the final presentation to help you structure your outline. Your outline and presentation should  include the following components:

· Define your topic, linking it to technology and society

· Trace the history of your topic

· Describe how your topic compares to at least one other culture

· Identify relevant policies related to your topic

· Discuss future trends related to your topic

Grading the Progress Report 

Your progress report will be graded according to the following rubric: 




Possible Point Value


Statement of topic

10 points:  Topic is clear, well-stated

5 points:  Topic is a little unclear or not   well-stated

1 point:    Topic is unclear and poorly   stated



10 points:  Link to technology is clear

5 points:  Link to technology is implied, but not   clearly stated

1 point:    Link to technology evident, but   not clear

0 points:  No link to technology



10 points:  Link to society/social problems is clear

5 points:  Link to society/social problems is   implied, but not clearly stated

1 point:    Link to society/social problems   evident, but not clear

0 points:  No link to society/social problems



Type of presentation

10 points:  Good description of the type of

5 presentation and how you plan to make it interesting

1 points:  Fair description of the type of   presentation, but with some details missing

0 points:  No description of the type of presentation




10 points:  Well-developed outline that reflects   presentation rubric requirements

points:  Good start, but needs more elaboration

4 points:  Fair, needs considerable work

2 points: Poorly developed outline

0 points: No outline provided



10 points:  Flow of presentation  is clear

5 point:    Flow of presentation is unclear

0 points:  No outline provided



10 points:  Includes clear cross-cultural reference

5 point:  Cross-cultural reference implied

0 points:  No cross-cultural reference



10 points:  Includes clear policy-related reference

5 point: Policy-related reference implied

1 points:  No policy-related reference



10 points:  Includes future trends

5 point:     Future trends implied

1 points:  No reference to future trends




10 points:  Well-written with no grammatical or   composition errors

5 points:  Mostly well-written with some grammatical   or composition errors

1 point:  Poorly written with major grammatical or   composition errors



Total Possible Points


See the attached document for the complete list of the entire projects requirements for all 3 parts. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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