Mth/219 introduction to college algebra course assistance
MTH/219 Introduction to College Algebra
Copyright ©2014 by University of Phoenix. Allrights reserved.
Course Description
This course introduces algebraic concepts providing asolid foundation for college algebra. Topicsrange from properties of real numbers, the order of operations, andalgebraic expressions to solving equations andinequalities. Additional topics include polynomials, factoring methods, rational and radicalexpressions as well as graphing andfunctions.
Course Dates
Nov 04, 2014 – Dec 08,2014
Faculty Information
Name :
Email Address :
Phone Number :
Pancoo Liu(PRIMARY)
See Policies
Faculty and students/learners will be held responsiblefor understanding and adhering to allpolicies contained within the following two documents (both located on yourstudent website):
• Academic Policies • Instructor Policies
University policies are subject to change. Besure to read the policies atthe beginning of each class. Policiesmay be slightly different depending on the modality inwhich you attend class. If youhave recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality.
Academic Resources • Equation Editor
SupportingMaterial• Equation Editor
• Live Math Tutoring
<li><span class=”bold”>Join</span> a Live Math Tutoring session byclicking the <span class=”bold”>Live Math Tutoring </span>link.<br /><br/>In the session, get familiar with the whiteboard environmentand the tools used in the whiteboard. Discussany questions you may have with a tutor.<span class=”italic”>Note.</span> Tutors can help students with homeworkexercises. Tutors cannot help students with Self-Checks orthe
Final Examination.</li> SupportingMaterial
• Live Math Tutoring
• Center for Mathematics Excellence
• Center for Mathematics Excellence
Get Ready for Class
• Familiarize yourself with the textbooks usedin this course.
<li><a href=”″ target=”_blank”>Blitzer, R. (2012). <span class=”italic” style=”font-style: italic;”>Introductory and intermediate algebra for college students</span>(4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.</a> </li>
• Pre-Algebra Live Labs
<li><b>Attend</b> Pre-Algebra Live Labs to make sure youare prepared for class. The following Live Labsare available:<ul><li>Converting Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages</li><li>Variables and Solving Simple Equations</li><li>Basicsof Fractions</li><li>Order of
Operations</li></ul>Please see the Pre-Algebra Live Labs link foravailable times and more information about each lab.</li> SupportingMaterial
• Pre-Algebra Live Labs
• Live Event: Center for Mathematics ExcellenceOverview
• Join the Center for Mathematics Excellence LiveEvent. The event will familiarize you with thetools and resources in the Center forMathematics Excellence that can be used to be successfulin this class. Click the Center for MathematicsExcellence Live Event link for more information. SupportingMaterial
• Center for Mathematics Excellence Overview
Course Materials
All electronic materials are available on yourstudent website.
Week1 Nov, 04 – Nov, 10 Mathematical Models, Equations, and Inequalities.
1.1 Perform arithmetic operations on algebraic expressions. 1.2 Identify properties of real numbers.
1.3 Evaluate numerical expressions using order ofoperations. 1.4 Solve linear equations.
1.5 Solve linear inequalities.
1.6 Solve a formula for a givenvariable.
1.7 Use mathematical models to solve applicationÂproblems. 1.8 Solve compound inequalities.
1.9 Solve absolute value equations.
Required Learning Activities
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Ch. 1 • Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Ch. 2
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Sections 9.1–9.3in Ch. 9
• Read MyMathLab® Frequently Asked Questions. Support Material
• MyMathLab® Frequently Asked Questions
• MyMathLab® Orientation Instructions
<li><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″><b>Complete</b></span><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″> the MyMathLab</span><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″>®</span><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″> orientation by clicking theMyMathLab</span><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″>®</span><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″> link and selecting </span><spanclass=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″><b>MyMathLab</b></span><strong style=”font-size: 13px;”><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″>®</span></b><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″><b> Orientation</b> </span><span class=”bold” data-mce-mark=”1″>under the Homework andTests tab.</span> Click the <b>Website</b> tab to access MyMathLab®.</li>
• Week One Videos Support Material
• Week One Videos
See the student website for additional recommendedlearning activities that may help youlearn this week’s concepts.
Title Type Due Points
Week One Participation Participate in class discussion.
Nov 10, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week One Checkpoint
Complete the Study Plan for Week OneCheckpoint in MyMathLab®. This assignment is located within the Homeworkand Tests tab in MyMathLab®.
•Complete practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the green Practice button.
•Complete Practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the Close button and return tothe main page for the Study Plan.
•Earn all Mastery Points in the QuizMe’s.
•Click the Quiz Me button.
•Correctly answer 3 of the 4 questionsto earn the Mastery Point (MP). Important Note: If you do not correctlyanswer 3 of the 4 questionsin the Quiz Me, you must revisit atleast one practice problem for additional practice before you can retake theQuiz Me. You can retake the Quiz Me’s as often as youneed.
•Once you have earned a Mastery Point,continue working in the Study Plan until you have earned allMastery Points for the week. Important Note: You must earn all MasteryPoints for Week One before moving on to the MyMathLab® Week One Checkpoint.
Click the Practice/Simulation/Homework/Game tab to access MyMathLab®.
Nov 09, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Week One Checkpoint
Prerequisite Assignment: MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week One Checkpoint
After earning all Mastery Points in theStudy Plan for Week One, complete the Week One Checkpoint inMyMathLab®.
Click the Quiz tab to access MyMathLab®.
Nov 10, 2014 11:59 PM
Week2 Nov, 11 – Nov, 17 Linear Equations in Two Variables,Polynomials, and Introduction toFactoring Polynomials
2.1 Graph linear equations in two variables. 2.2 Determine the slope of a linearequation.
2.3 Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials.
2.4 Factor polynomials using the greatest commonfactor. 2.5 Factor polynomials by grouping.
2.6 Factor trinomials when the leading coefficientis one.
Required Learning Activities • Live Lab: Graphing Equations
<li><b><span lang=”X-NONE”>Learn</span></b><span lang=”X-NONE”> to graph equations in alive setting with a University of Phoenix math faculty member.</span><span lang=”X-NONE”> </span><b>Click </b>the link for moredetails.</li>
Support Material
• Live Lab: Graphing Equations
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Ch. 3 • Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Ch. 5
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Sections 6.1–6.2in Ch.6
• Week Two Videos Support Material
• Week Two Videos
See the student website for additional recommendedlearning activities that may help youlearn this week’s concepts.
Title Type Due Points
Week Two Participation Participate in class discussion.
Nov 17, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week Two Checkpoint
Complete the Study Plan for Week TwoCheckpoint in MyMathLab®. This assignment is located within the Homeworkand Tests tab in MyMathLab®.
•Complete practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the green Practice button.
•Complete Practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the Close button and return tothe main page for the Study Plan.
•Earn all Mastery Points in the QuizMe’s.
•Click the Quiz Me button.
•Correctly answer 3 of the 4 questionsto earn the Mastery Point (MP). Important Note: If you do not correctlyanswer 3 of the 4 questionsin the Quiz Me, you must revisit atleast one practice problem for additional practice before you can retake theQuiz Me. You can retake the Quiz Me’s as often as youneed.
•Once you have earned a Mastery Point,continue working in the Study Plan until you have earned allMastery Points for the week. Important Note: You must earn all MasteryPoints for Week Two before moving on to the MyMathLab® Week Two Checkpoint.
Click the Practice/Simulation/Homework/Game tab to access MyMathLab®.
Nov 17, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Week Two Checkpoint
Prerequisite Assignment: MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week Two Checkpoint
After earning all Mastery Points in theStudy Plan for Week Two complete the Week Two Checkpoint in MyMathLab®.
Click the Quiz tab to access MyMathLab®.
Nov 17, 2014 11:59 PM
Week3 Nov, 18 – Nov, 24 Factoring Polynomials and Introduction toRational Expressions
3.1 Factor trinomials whose leading coefficient isnot one. 3.2 Factor special case polynomials.
3.3 Factor quadratic equations to solve applicationproblems. 3.4 Simplify rational expressions.
3.5 Multiply rational expressions. 3.6 Divide rational expressions.
Required Learning Activities
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Sections 6.3–6.6in Ch. 6 • Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Sections 7.1–7.2in Ch. 7
• Week Three Videos Instructions
<li><span class=”bold” style=”font-weight: bold;”> </span></li> Support Material
• Week Three Videos
See the student website for additional recommendedlearning activities that may help youlearn this week’s concepts.
Title Type Due Points
Week Three Participation Participate in class discussion.
Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week Three Checkpoint
Complete the Study Plan for Week ThreeCheckpoint in MyMathLab®. This assignment is located within the Homeworkand Tests tab in MyMathLab®.
•Complete practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the green Practice button.
•Complete Practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the Close button and return tothe main page for the Study Plan.
•Earn all Mastery Points in the QuizMe’s.
•Click the Quiz Me button.
•Correctly answer 3 of the 4 questionsto earn the Mastery Point (MP). Important Note: If you do not correctlyanswer 3 of the 4 questionsin the Quiz Me, you must revisit atleast one practice problem for additional practice before you can retake theQuiz Me. You can retake the Quiz Me’s as often as youneed.
•Once you have earned a Mastery Point,continue working in the Study Plan until you have earned allMastery Points for the week. Important Note: You must earn all MasteryPoints for Week Three before moving on to the MyMathLab® Week Three Checkpoint.
Click the Practice/Simulation/Homework/Game tab to access MyMathLab®.
Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Week Three Checkpoint
Prerequisite Assignment: MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week Three Checkpoint
After earning all Mastery Points in theStudy Plan for Week Three complete the Week Three Checkpoint in MyMathLab®.
Click the Quiz tab to access MyMathLab®.
Nov 24, 2014 11:59 PM
Week4 Nov, 25 – Dec, 01 Rational Expressions, Rational Equations andFunctions
4.1 Perform arithmetic operations on rational expressions. 4.2 Use rational equations to solve applicationproblems. 4.3 Compute function values.
4.4 Determine the domain and range ofa function. 4.5 Determine function values from a graph.
4.6 Perform mathematic operations on functions. 4.7 Evaluate piecewise functions.
Required Learning Activities
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Sections 7.3–7.8in Ch. 7 • Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Sections 8.1–8.3in Ch. 8 • Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Section 10.1in Ch. 10
• Read Piecewise Functions Defined Instructions
• Read University of Phoenix Material: Piecewise-Defined Functions.Note: There is a piecewise exercise in theWeek Four Checkpoint, but not in
the Week Four Study Plan. Study the examplesin this document to prepare for the questionin the Week Four Checkpoint. Support Material
• Piecewise Defined Functions
• Week Four Videos Instructions
<li><span class=”bold” style=”font-weight: bold;”> </span></li> Support Material
• Week Four Videos
See the student website for additional recommendedlearning activities that may help youlearn this week’s concepts.
Title Type Due Points
Week Four Participation Participate in class discussion.
Dec 01, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week Four Checkpoint
Complete the Study Plan for Week FourCheckpoint in MyMathLab®. This assignment is located within the Homeworkand Tests tab in MyMathLab®.
•Complete practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the green Practice button.
•Complete Practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the Close button and return tothe main page for the Study Plan.
•Earn all Mastery Points in the QuizMe’s.
•Click the Quiz Me button.
•Correctly answer 3 of the 4 questionsto earn the Mastery Point (MP). Important Note: If you do not correctlyanswer 3 of the 4 questionsin the Quiz Me, you must revisit atleast one practice problem for additional practice before you can retake theQuiz Me. You can retake the Quiz Me’s as often as youneed.
•Once you have earned a Mastery Point,continue working in the Study Plan until you have earned allMastery Points for the week. Important Note: You must earn all MasteryPoints for Week Four before moving on to the MyMathLab® Week Four Checkpoint.
Click the Practice/Simulation/Homework/Game tab to access MyMathLab®.
Dec 01, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Week Four Checkpoint
Prerequisite Assignment: MyMathLab® Study Plan for Week Four Checkpoint
After earning all Mastery Points in theStudy Plan for Week Four complete the Week Four Checkpoint in MyMathLab®.
Click the Quiz tab to access MyMathLab®.
Dec 01, 2014 11:59 PM
Week5 Dec, 02 – Dec, 08 Composite and Inverse Functions, RadicalExpressions, and Radical Equations
5.1 Perform composition of functions. 5.2 Determine the inverse of a function.
5.3 Perform mathematical operations on expressions withrational exponents. 5.4 Perform mathematical operations on radical expressions.
5.5 Solve equations containing radicals.
Required Learning Activities
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Section 8.4in Ch. 8
• Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Sections 10.2–10.6in Ch. 10 10.2-10.6
• Week Five Videos Support Material
• Week Five Videos
See the student website for additional recommendedlearning activities that may help youlearn this week’s concepts.
Title Type Due Points
Week Five Participation Participate in class discussion.
Dec 08, 2014 11:59 PM
MyMathLab® Study Plan for Final Exam
Complete the Study Plan for Final Examin MyMathLab®. This assignment is located within the Homeworkand Tests tab in MyMathLab®.
•Complete practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the green Practice button.
•Complete Practice problems until you feel readyfor a quiz.
•Click the Close button and return tothe main page for the Study Plan.
•Earn all Mastery Points in the QuizMe’s.
•Click the Quiz Me button.
•Correctly answer 3 of the 4 questionsto earn the Mastery Point (MP). Important Note: If you do not correctlyanswer 3 of the 4 questionsin the Quiz Me, you must revisit atleast one practice problem for additional practice before you can retake theQuiz Me. You can retake the Quiz Me’s as often as youneed.
•Once you have earned a Mastery Point,continue working in the Study Plan until you have earned allMastery Points for the week. Important Note: You must earn all MasteryPoints for Week Five before moving on to the MyMathLab® Final Exam. After completing this assignment, which covers the topics and objectivesin Week Five,review the Study Plans and Checkpoints fromWeek One through Week Four to prepare for the Final Exam.
Click the Practice/Simulation/Homework/Game tab to access MyMathLab®.
Dec 08, 2014 11:59 PM
Complete the Final Exam in MyMathLab®.
Prerequisite Assignment: MyMathLab® Study Plan for Final Exam
After earning all Mastery Points in theStudy Plan for Final Exam,review the Study Plans and Checkpoints fromWeek One through Week Four to prepare for the Final Exam.
Complete the Final Exam in MyMathLab®.
Click the Exam tab to access MyMathLab®.
Dec 08, 2014 11:59 PM
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