HIT120 Evolution of Healthcare (graded) Discussion – Online Nursing Essays

HIT120 Evolution of Healthcare (graded) Discussion
HIT120 Evolution of Healthcare (graded) Discussion
Evolution of Healthcare (graded)In this first thread, we will explore the healthcare system in the United States (US). As you will learn by reading chapter 11 in Sayles’ textbook, healthcare services have evolved over the years and the US has become one of the world leaders in healthcare technologies. Yet, we face various challenges in terms of access, cost, and quality. Learning about healthcare system in general is important for a health information professional for many reasons:
We work in healthcare, so we need to know our work environment and adapt accordingly;Many HIT and coding practices vary depending on the type of healthcare setting;Learning about the healthcare system helps you understand the big picture and the impact of health information technology in patient care;General knowledge about healthcare systems along with HIT or coding specialization prepares you to move up the ladder and advance your career.In starting this topic, identify and elaborate on some of the healthcare challenges. In your responses, reflect on your textbook readings as well as any other literature and your experiences.

HIT120 Evolution of Healthcare (graded) Discussion
The Evolution of the U.S. Healthcare SystemOverviewBetween the years 1750 and 2000, healthcare in the United States evolved from a simple system of home remedies and itinerant doctors with little training to a complex, scientific, technological, and bureaucratic system often called the “medical industrial complex.” The complex is built on medical science and technology and the authority of medical professionals. The evolution of this complex includes the acceptance of the “germ theory” as the cause of disease, professionalization of doctors, technological advancements in treating disease, the rise of great institutions of medical training and healing, and the advent of medical insurance. Governmental institutions, controls, health care programs, drug regulations, and medical insurance also evolved during this period. Most recently, the healthcare system has seen the growth of corporations whose business is making a profit from healthcare.
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